Drag Specialties : Just four weeks after the successful Spring NVP New Product Expo at Louisville , the management of LeMans decided to additionally back AIMExpo on the basis that an industry-wide nexus is an important foundation for the market . A market that needs to take every opportunity to shape its own future before the future shapes the market in ways that are not necessarily in the best interests of dealers and vendors alike . From the left : CEO Mike Collins , President of Parts Canada , James Danyluk , industry legend , and Drag Specialties ' lifer ' Tom Motzko , VP of Sales Jeff Derge and Chairman Paul Langley ; www . dragspecialties . com
Antigravity : Featuring Bluetooth Battery Trackers , the monitoring system allows the rider to track the battery ' s voltage , health and status , and notifies if the battery is going dead . Available for lithium and lead / acid batteries , Battery Tracker allows riders to track battery status from their smartphone ; www . antigravitybatteries . com
TAB Performance : Casey Pflanz , co-founder , and Bo Blanske from the Lincoln , Nebraska based manufacturer that is best known for its powerful and ' throaty ' exhausts . However , Casey is answering the call of the need to diversify , with recent new products including the ' Folsom Prison Series ' handlebars that are seen here . The first design is a contemporary 12 " widow ' s peak , semi-ape that is " right on point ." The company boasts an easy install due to interior bends that are ground down to a smooth finish , eliminating any ridges for wires to get snagged on . Plus , the 1.5 " fatties provide plenty of space for cables . Initially offered for Street / Electra Glide models (' 96 and up ) and Road Glide models (' 15 and up ), they give riders a reduced arm reach . TAB are donating 5 % of the profits from the sale of the bars to Wheels 4 Warriors USA - a non-profit dedicated to helping veterans - " two wheels at a time "; www . tabperformance . com