The pandemic experience will leave a permanent shadow on our market , some aspects of which will be good - the 24 months of being able to sell |
pretty much everything and anything is unlikely to come around again in our lifetimes . Some aspects of it are potentially bad |
though . Quite apart from the loss of loved ones and friends , the worry in the powersports industry now is whether the customers that fueled those 24 months of sales can be retained ? With all the other potential issues bubbling under - inflation , supply chain , war , interest rates ( it ’ s a wellrehearsed list ), the generally agreed prognosis for the year ahead was that " flat " would be the most likely best result the parts and accessories market |
can hope for . However , there was still positivity in the aisles , still business being done , and there were still crowds . Record crowds in fact . It proved to be the best attended Expo to date with 2,121 dealer attendees and an overall attendance of over 2,800 . With a 40 % increase in exhibit space , there was more room for the record number of attendees as well as many new vendors to the Expo . The Expo weekend kicked off on