Aftermarket Moto Design 281 Dec 2022 AMD 281 December 2022 | Page 8

Harley-Davidson Inc ( NYSE : HOG )

<<< of improved quarterlies , the price had risen to $ 34.86 by October 20th . By month end , the price showed a positive response to the Q3 fiscals , trading at around $ 42.56 - not far short of its one year high .

Closing of LiveWire Business Combination On September 26 , 2022 , Harley- Davidson and AEA-Bridges Impact Corp . (" ABIC ") ( NYSE : IMPX ) completed their previously announced business combination ( SPAC - Special
Purchase Acquisition Company ) under which LiveWire EV , LLC , Harley- Davidson ' s electric motorcycle
' LiveWire share price back to launch number '
division , combined with ABIC to create a new public company . The combined public company now operates as LiveWire Group , Inc .


Harley-Davidson Inc ( NYSE : HOG )
1 Year Low : June 2022 $ 34.85 Before Q3 Results ( 10 / 30 / 22 ) $ 34.85 After Q3 Results ( 10 / 31 / 22 ) $ 42.56
The funds raised by the LiveWire float were lower than forecast , leaving Harley with a much higher equity position than anticipated . As at the end of October 31 , 2022 , LVWR had just about recovered its September 27 opening price of $ 8.25 at $ 8.15 . However , it was still down from its initial October 4 high of $ 9.63 .
(" LiveWire ") and its common stock and warrants began trading on the New York Stock Exchange (" NYSE ") under the symbols " LVWR " and " LVWR WS ," respectively , on September 27 , 2022 . Through this combination , LiveWire raised approximately $ 294m in net proceeds after fees , including Harley- Davidson ' s contribution , and became the first and only publicly traded allelectric motorcycle company in the U . S . to list on the NYSE . Following the close , Harley-Davidson has an equity interest in LiveWire of approximately 89.4 % and will continue to consolidate LiveWire ' s results , with adjustments for noncontrolling shareholder interests . The funds raised were lower than forecast and therefore Harley ' s equity position is much higher than the anticipated 70 %. As at open on October 31 , 2022 , LVWR has just about regained its September 27 opening price of $ 8.25 at $ 8.15 , but is still down from its initial October 4 high of $ 9.63 .

Update from Tucker Powersports Supplier Town Hall

Tucker Powersports has released details of proceedings at a recent online Town Hall Meeting held by President and CEO Marc McAllister ( end of October 2022 ) at which some 50 Tucker suppliers were updated on several topics - including Tucker ' s
' a blending of what we used to consider '
strategy , the current market situation , the importance of powersports dealers and the company ' s preparation for AIMExpo . In his opening remarks , McAllister reiterated company strategy stating that he sees " a blending of what we used to consider pure powersports , motorcycles and side-by-sides , combined with new lifestyle choices of getting outdoors and participating in powered adventures . " With the growth of e-bikes and electric motorcycles , we don ' t think that consumers are as discerning as we are about how that experience happens and where that experience starts . We see a blended future with plenty of space for what we do ,
' pure powersports '
whether it ' s internal combustion powered , EV-powered or humanpowered . We are looking to serve all of those customers ." Addressing current market conditions , he commented that " today ' s market is not what last year ' s market was . The market has been tightening and that is likely to continue into Q1 ." He said the company ' s data indicates a bottoming out during that quarter and a recovery starting at the end of Q1 and into Q2 . " Our plan is to weather the winter and look forward to spring ." McAllister accepted that Tucker is not doing as well as he had hoped , but said that it is on a solid footing and is working some inventory out of its system to free up cash and capital . He cited some notable successes for Tucker , such as the announcement of an exclusive distribution agreement with high-tech helmet company Forcite , e-power brands that are selling through to dealers rapidly , as well as certain specific products from the suppliers that were on the call " that are moving rapidly ." McAllister confirmed to suppliers that he sees a multi-channel future and is not moving away from dealers , saying that " the dealer channel is critical to our industry , the dealer today continues to drive a significant amount of our sales and your sales . " Our industry still needs a clubhouse , a gathering point , where people can feel engaged , a place where questions can be answered and to ensure they get the sales and service that they need . " So , we continue to invest in dealers , and that brings me to AIMExpo . In our mind it ' s critical that AIMExpo exists .
' the market has been tightening '
It ' s a time for our industry to get together , it ' s a time for our industry to celebrate who we are , and a platform for us to present a cohesive version of our industry to our dealers , who are , at the end of the day , our primary customers ." McAllister said that he expects the show to be " significantly larger than last year " and mentioned that Tucker ' s investment is much higher than at the 2022 show , including the company ' s plan to bring all of its sales reps to the show to support their dealers .
8 AFTERMARKET MOTO DESIGN - DECEMBER 2022 www . AMDchampionship . com