Aftermarket Moto Design 281 Dec 2022 AMD 281 December 2022 | Page 18



Custombike Show Bad Salzuflen , DE • Dec 2-4 www . custombike-show . de
Motor Bike Expo ( MBE ) Verona , IT • Jan 27-29 www . motorbikeexpo . it
MP 23 Motorcycle Show Helsinki , FI • Feb 3-5 www . mp . messukeskus . com
Garage Brewed Cincinnati , OH , US • Feb 4 www . garagebrewed . com
AIMExpo Las Vegas , NV , US • Feb 15-17 www . aimexpousa . com
Mama Tried Milwaukee , WI , US • Feb 17-19 www . mamatriedshow . com
MCN London Show London , GB • Feb 17-20 mcnmotorcycleshow . com
MotorBeurs Utrecht , NL • Feb 23-26 www . motorbeursutrecht . nl
Salon du 2 Roues Lyon , FR • Feb 23-26 www . salondu2roues . com
Moto Festival Bern , CH • Feb 23-26 www . motofestival . ch
Motosalon Brno , CZ • Mar 2-5 www . bvv . cz / motosalon
Daytona Bike Week ( 82nd ) Florida , US • Mar 3-12 www . officialbikeweek . com
Motorama Madrid Madrid , ES • Mar 10-12 www . motorama . es
Warsaw Motorcycle Show Warsaw , PL • Mar 10-12 www . motorcycleshow . pl
Prowl Show Bizbee , AZ , US • Mar 18

SBMC - 21 Members and Counting

The Swappable Batteries Motorcycle Consortium ( SBMC ) was founded in September 2021 by KTM , Honda , Piaggio and Yamaha and has grown quickly - it now has 21 members ( and counting ). Founded with the mission to accelerate the deployment of swappable battery systems by developing and promoting new common technical specifications towards global and open standardization , in its first six months , the consortium took essential initial steps at an incredible pace . The aim is to ensure full interoperability of swapping batteries to facilitate their application and boost sustainable mobility . An SBMC Summit was held in July 2022 , with 40 of its representatives convening at the KTM Motohall in Mattighofen , Austria . " This event was the perfect occasion to reflect on the progress made over the consortium ’ s first semester of existence , and to set the scene for upcoming activities towards standardization . " The vision , strategy and operations of the consortium were established across its members , the committees and working groups . The consortium was equipped with the proper tools and instruments to fulfill its ambitions . The set of relevant technical specifications was agreed upon , and
Marking an improvement in the sales action seen in Spain earlier in the year , the latest data from ANESDOR - the motorcycle industry trade association in Spain - shows that motorcycle registrations in October were + 4.82 % ( 14,318 units ) and that growth for 2022 is firmly established at + 6.75 % YTD ( 149,323 units ). This has been the second-best market performance for the first eight months in Spain since before 2009 and only some 2,500 behind the 2019 record . Moped registrations in Spain were -9.59 % YTD at 13,185 units , but total PTWs were running at + 5.21 % at 162,508 units registered so far . Demand for electric powered motorcycles was + 32.7 % in October at 780 units , and up 64.8 % at 8,692 units . Honda remains market share the SBMC ’ s work streams on prototyping and standardization were successfully kicked off ." Strategic positions were also taken , among which are the acceptance of the SBMC as Formal Liaison Member to the CEN-CENELEC and membership in CEN-TC301 and CEN-CENELEC JTC-13 . The three European Standardization Organizations that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level are CEN ( European Committee for Standardization ), CENELEC ( the European Committee for
leader in Spain with a 21.7 % share ( 32,350 units ), followed by
Yamaha ( 11.7 %, 17,480 units ), KYMCO ( 7.1 %, 10,659 units ), 150,000 Piaggio ( 6.5 %, 9,766 units ), BMW ( 6.5 %, 9,721 units ) 100,000 and Sym ( 6.5 %, 9,637 units ). For the record - motorcycle
50,000 registrations in Spain were + 6.26 % for the full year in 2021 at 165,115 units . The Spanish market had not yet caught up with 2019 registrations though ( 175,585 units ), but 2021 was the secondbest motorcycle and scooter market performance in Spain
Electrotechnical Standardization ) and ETSI ( the European Telecommunications Standards Institute ). " The consortium ’ s constructive approach has enabled it to overcome the technical challenges of developing interconnected and compatible systems . The SBMC is on track to achieve its goals , as planned , and can now count on the best available expertise in the world to do so ." The current members are : AVL , Ciklo , Fivebikes , Forsee Power , Hioki , Honda , Hyba , JAMA , Kawasaki , KTM , Kymco , Niu , Piaggio , Polaris , Roki , Samsung , Sinbon , Sumitomo , Suzuki , Swobbee , Vitesco , VeNetWork , Yamaha . www . sb-mc . net

Spain : Motorcycles up + 6.75 % to October

Spanish registrations to October
+ 5.21 %
2021 2022
+ 6.75 %
since before 2009 . In total PTW terms , 2021 was + 3.26 % ( 182,922 units ) - also the second-best since before the 2007 / 2009 financial crisis .
18 AFTERMARKET MOTO DESIGN - DECEMBER 2022 www . AMDchampionship . com