Afrotrend Magazine 4th Issue | Page 32

Beauty 10 Things That People Who Smell Good ALWAYS Do! 2. They spritz their sheets Spritzing your pillows and sheets is must-try hack, which allows a scent to envelope you while you sleep. Obviously, you don’t want to use something overpowering that will irritate you at night – just something mild and pleasant. 3. They pay attention to their detergent and clothes Haven’t you ever come across someone who smelled so good all the time that you wondered what their secret was?! Who wouldn’t want to smell like they bathe with flower petals every single time? Of course, showering often is a no-brainer, but there are some hacks that these impeccably smelling people have certainly mastered. We reveal a few things that people who smell good ALWAYS do. Read on to smell great ALL the time… 1. They don’t have dry skin Staying hydrated is utterly important for your general health as well as for keeping your skin moisturized. Dry skin dissipates perfume much more easily and quells its long-lasting power. Fragrances smell better on moisturized skin and stay on for way longer. 32 Sure, your clothes get washed with Tide or Surf Excel, which is completely fine. But you may want to pay better attention! There are plenty of higherend detergents and fabric softeners available today that are influenced by the fine-fragrance market. You may want to invest in one that will definitely