Afronoire - Love & Sex (Mini Issue) Feb. 2013 | Page 2

Afronoire is a London-based lifestyle publication for African and Caribbean women . The magazine celebrates the black woman ’ s naturalness , success , beauty and sensuality . We want to unite , empower and inspire the black woman and encourage her to embrace who she is . The aim is not only to entertain you as readers but to also inform you . We want to create a conversation about the different issues that are directly part of our environment and bring awareness to the different matters that affects you – as a black woman .
I would like to thank you for taking an interest in the magazine and your well wishes . I hope that you will enjoy our content . AfroNoire is passion and a dream I brought into existence earlier than anticipated but something which I feel is much needed . We are now living in a world where I feel more negativity than positivity surrounds our women in the media , in our environments and this is something we need change .
- DEBORAH MARIE ( Executive Editor )
With February being the month when Valentine Day is celebrated and it being considered as being the month of love , it was only right that we dedicated the first issue of this magazine around the theme of love , romance and relationships . So prepare yourself for a grown-read on the topic of love and sex plus more .
VISIT US AT www . afronoire . com
CONTACT US AT : General Enquiries : hello @ afronoire . com Advertising : advertising @ afronoire . com Features : features @ afronoire . com Editor : deborahmarie @ afronoire . com
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