This projection is only a hypothesis , but it is strongly supported by various scientific studies . The inertia of the climate system combined with that of the political decision-making systems regarding the effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions forces us to take it seriously and to wonder how to avoid this catastrophic scenario .
Building resilient and productive agroecosystem
While agriculture is a sector particularly vulnerable to climate
change , the current dominant mode of food production is also responsible for about a third of greenhouse gas emissions . Thus , it is one of the major causes of climate disruption . Agro-industrial practices also contribute to environmental degradation and biodiversity loss .
A series of large-scale experiments involving hundreds of thousands of farmers on all continents demonstrate that the immense challenge to redesign our food production system is not a utopia . The “ Zero Budget Natural
Farming ” movement in India and the “ Campesino to Campesino ” movement in Central America , the conversion of Cuban agriculture under embargo into a sector that ensures food self-sufficiency for the population , or agroforestry practices in East Africa , are just a few examples of a much broader set of new agricultural practices that have been called agroecology , demonstrating that it is possible to build a resilient , productive agriculture that improves the living conditions of peasants and the food security of populations .
In the middle of the dry season , the luxuriance of Faustin Nyirinkwaya ’ s garden plot in Shanga ( Rwanda ’ s Southern Province ) contrasts with the desolation of the neighboring parched plots , demonstrating the surprising productivity that can be achieved in a small , agroecologically managed garden .
These experiences have common features : they are based on exchanges of experience and cooperation among peasants and between farmers and researchers , and growers ’ use of locally available organic inputs and diversified seeds adapted to local contexts ; they apply locally produced organic fertilizers and bioprotectors ; they maximize biomass production and soil organic matter content ; they enhance soil biological life , nutrient cycling , rainwater harvesting and management … In brief , they protect and regenerate the environment while providing livelihoods to families .