African Voices Spring 2020 AVSPRING2020 | Page 36

Paris turns behind her. SANDY What do you call that hairstyle? PARIS A twist out. SANDY Hmmm, how do you do that? PARIS I twist it, I take it out and then I wear it. SANDY Wow, I wish my hair could do that. Can I touch it? By the time Paris could answer the question, Sandy’s hand is already halfway through Paris’ strands. Paris quickly takes Sandy’s hand out of her hair. PARIS Do not ask to touch me, while touching me! MS. KEATON Ms. Lawrence! What did I say about you keeping your hands to yourself? PARIS But Sandy was... MS. KEATON But nothing. I don’t want to see you touching anyone else. Do you understand me? Paris takes a deep breath, tries to swallow all the tears inside. PARIS Ms. Keaton. The entire line starts to snicker. MS. KEATON Now everyone enter the... INT: CLASSROOM - MORNING The class enters the classroom. Everything around Paris is moving in slow motion, she is trying not to scream and cry at the same time. Sandy walks past Paris to get into the class. SANDY I didn’t know I was bothering you. Just liked your hair that’s all. PARIS You can like it without touching it. Sandy rolls her eyes, shrugs and then takes her seat. Paris takes one last deep breath and takes out her notebook. MS. KEATON Okay class settle down. How was everyone’s weekend? CLASSMATE #1 Mine was great. CLASSMATE #2 I slept all weekend. CLASSMATE #3 I visited my grandma. MS. KEATON Well, I’m glad you all enjoyed yourselves and I hope you guys are ready to create. The topic for this week is entitled “Who Am I?” This was created for you students to claim who you are to yourselves, your classmates and 36 african Voices