African Voices Spring 2020 AVSPRING2020 | Página 33

Paris says in a somber voice while grabbing a plate of food. They do their signature hand shake. DAVID Oh no, I hear that voice. What’s up?! PARIS (PAUSE) Nothing DAVID Stop that lying girl. PARIS 7th grade was so much better. Everybody in my grade was so cool. Everyone understood me. These kids in my 8th grade class are always asking questions that I can’t even answer. DAVID Like what, P? Paris mimics her classmates. PARIS “Why does your hair do that?” “Why do you laugh so loud?” “Why are your lips so big?” “Why does your skin get so much darker in the summer?” I just want to say, “I DON’T KNOW!” David looks visibly saddened for his daughter. DAVID Baby girl, come here. Paris walks over to her father. David lifts his daughter’s head up. DAVID: (CONT’D) Sometimes people ask questions about beauty so far beyond their reach that they have to comprehend what’s in front of them. Don’t forget what me and your momma told you. african Voices 33