African Sports Monthly Vol I. Issue II February 2018 | Page 30

Eating at the World’s Table By Huliamatu Bah MA, RD/LD The Energy Required It takes a lot of energy to get the human body to perform its daily functions; such as more rapid pace. This high energy need must be met every day to help the athlete perform and progress in his sport. walking, blinking, thinking or talking. The Whether it’s an endurance, strength or unit of measurement that the body uses to cal- speed-based sport, the amount of energy uti- culate energy is called Calorie (kcal). Calories lized to perform at the professional level may from foods are like loans from a bank, with cause the body to quickly become nutritional- too many loans one can end up in a huge debt ly deficient. If an athlete eats less, it will take which is what obesity is. The average 20-year- a toll on their performance; their bodies would old, 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in), 89 kg (195 lbs) male start breaking down its own muscles into nu- needs to consume about 2,230 kcal per day to trients to maintain its daily function. Muscle maintain his body weight. A male athlete of the depletion, for example, can lead to perfor- same age and build needs, on average, 4,200 mance loss, susceptibility to diseases such as kcal per day to maintain his body weight. The malaria and delayed recovery. According to athlete differs from the average male because research, eating nutritionally dense foods has athletes have higher physical demands to per- been shown to improve performance, reduce form therefore their body utilizes energy at a fatigue and improve recovery.