African Sports Monthly JUNE 2019 ISSUE I Vol 2 | Page 11

JUNE 2019 , ISSUE I VOL . 2 AF RI CAN S PORT S MONT HL Y J UNE 2 0 1 9 I S S UE PROFILE NICOLAS POMPIGNE-MOGNARD "AFRICAN SPORTS FEDERATIONS MUST ABSOLUTELY PROFESSIONALIZE THEIR COMMUNICATION IF THEY WANT TO ATTRACT SPONSORS" NICOLAS POMPIGNE- MOGNARD HOW NICOLAS POMPIGNE-MOGNARD'S REVOLUTIONARY PARTNERSHIP HELPED CATAPULT RUGBY TO PROMINENCE IN AFRICA Many of you our readers, may have heard about the APO group but i f you have not, then thi s i s your chance to l earn a bi t more about the APO Group and what i t does and most especi al l y so i ts founder Ni col as Pompi gne- Mognard.   The APO Group i s a medi a rel ati ons and Press Rel ease Di stri buti on Company that started i ts operati on back i n 2007 and has today grown to become the foremost and most promi nent Press di stri buti on company for Afri ca. Founder Ni col as i s a Franco Gabonese Medi a Mogul who created hi s company from nothi ng and grew i t i nto a mul ti mi l l i on dol l ar corporati on that today stands as the go to source for any and every news content for and about the Afri can Conti nent and the Mi ddl e East. Continue reading on page > 12