African Mining May - June 2019 | Page 23

Country in focus Almost the entire Ivory Coast is underlain by extremely ancient metamorphic and igneous crystalline basement rock between 2.1 and more than 3.5 billion years old, comprising part of the stable continental crust of the West African Craton. The rock types found are dominated by granulite and migmatitegneiss, with some granitoids and banded iron formations in remnant supracrustal belts. These rocks were affected by at least two orogenic mountain building events. The coast is marked by a strip of prominent recent sediments, extending offshore. Coastal sedimentary basins formed as a result of the rifting apart of the supercontinent Pangaea, during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. The oldest mining is related to gold and alluvial diamonds. Native gold is hosted in steeply dipping quartz veins near the boundaries of volcanic belts and sedimentary basins, in disseminated and massive sulfide deposits or as alluvial gold in river gravels. Gold is also found as paleoplacer alluvial gold and is included in conglomerates and sericite–quartz schist with grades up to 3g/t. Diamonds have been found in alluvial deposits, south of Korhoga at Tortiya and at Seguela. Kanangone, Seguela, and Tortiya have kimberlite intrusions, but none have been found to contain diamonds to date. Iron is another important mineral for Côte d'Ivoire. The Monogaga deposit near Sassandra is a Minette Oolitic type iron deposit formed in the Miocene and Pliocene and has a 40% iron concentration. Mount Gao, Segaye, Tia, Tortro, and Klahoyo all have Lake Superior type magnetite deposits. In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in the high-grade manganese deposits. The manganese occurs as carbonates, silicates, and oxides and reaches concentrations of up to 47% in lenticular bodies, in the north-western regions of the country. The underlying phyllite and gondite became enriched in manganese near the Blafa-Gueto hills and Mokta, forming the residual caps. end of the civil war, there has been a slow and steady rise in the number of companies working in the country and I believe there to be considerable untapped potential in the country for well- funded junior explorers, particularly in the gold space,” says Strong. Sought after mining jurisdiction According to David Morgan, managing director at consultants Knight Piésold, Côte d'Ivoire has become a proven region of high geological prospectivity for gold projects. “Junior and mid-tier gold companies have been actively exploring and have enjoyed good success in the country over the past 10 years,” says Morgan. Morgan says several factors have contributed to the elevation of Côte d'Ivoire as a mining hub. “Relatively easy access to historical geological databases and mapping have made the timing from initial exploration to successful development relatively quick. The capital Abidjan is a regional transport hub and provides good logistics for project support and development. In addition, the overall infrastructure in Côte D’Ivoire is pretty good compared with other West African countries, Morgan tells African Mining. He adds that the local population is well educated and keen to further develop their skills. According to Morgan, political stability is still a concern. “Despite these interruptions, however, the overall political climate continues to improve. Government is generally supportive of the mining and gold sector, but further government support is required with respect to the tax and royalty regimes,” Morgan concludes. b Geology and minerals of Côte d'Ivoire Barrick’s Tongon gold mine consists of two opencast operations and it produced 288 680oz of gold in 2017. The tropical weathering products and resulting clays are also of importance as it contains laterite deposits. Biankoumo has nickel-rich laterite soils on top amphibolite gneisses, close to the border with Guinea. These nickel deposits contain an appreciable amount of cobalt. West Africa is also known for its bauxite deposits and Côte d'Ivoire hosts significant deposits, although not as large as neighbouring Guinea. The country is endowed with a large number of other mineral deposits that have not been developed in most cases. These range from nickel–copper deposits associated with platinum group minerals to beach heavy mineral sand deposits of titanium, tantalite, and glass sand. There is also modest offshore oil and gas reserves. Source: Nicolaas Steenkamp, independent geological consultant. MAY - JUNE 2019 AFRICAN MINING 21