be increased to reduce Scope 2 emissions from smelters . Alternative technologies such as preconcentration and high-pressure grinding rolls ( HPGRs ) are available but may only be feasible at the outset of a new project or expansion . Optimal haul road design and maintenance can also contribute to efficiency by minimising rolling resistance and travel distances – all of which reduce diesel consumption .
Electrifying mines ' truck haulage systems is a potential strategy to decarbonise , as haulage can represent between 30 % and 50 % of emissions .
reduced energy needed for ventilation . Consequently , to obtain the full benefit of any investment in battery vehicles requires looking at the whole operation .
Underground coal mines have always been conscious of methane levels due to the safety risk though the traditional solution of diluting any emissions using ventilation now means the methane is too diluted to burn . The company ’ s ventilation specialists in California are working on projects to develop solutions to cost effectively destroy this methane . Other specialists are working with clients to measure emissions so that solutions can be targeted .
Processing solutions Ongoing reductions in emissions will require mine teams to work together in a more integrated way , so that the solutions extend across different mine functions . For example , ore can be blasted finer to reduce the energy needed for crushing and grinding or concentrate grade can
Mine waste can also sequester carbon – tailings from nickel , platinum and diamond mines extract CO 2 from the air to create inert carbonates which are then buried . Understanding the weathering mechanism and how changes may be required to the tailings deposition process without impacting either tailings stability or water use also requires a team of specialists .
In summary , the mining industry has embraced the challenge to reduce emissions and is investing significant amounts of money and effort in new solutions . The “ low hanging fruit ” of switching from coal and diesel to renewables is being plucked . However , this will not achieve the targets mining companies have set themselves and further efforts are planned . •
References : 1 . https :// www . mckinsey . com / capabilities / sustainability / our-insights / climate-risk-and-decarbonization-what-every-mining-ceo-needs-to-know
An added benefit of battery power over diesel is the reduced energy needed for ventilation .
32 • African Mining • May 2023 www . africanmining . co . za