African Mining June 2021 | Page 34

BME software product manager Christiaan Liebenberg .
D Scott Scovira , BME global manager Blasting Science .
Tinus Brits , BME ’ s Global product manager for AXXIS .
BME managing director , Joe Keenan . Tinus Strauss , Blastmap senior software developer .
In phase 1 of the Blastmap Underground application , it caters for tunnelling and shaft designs , according to Tinus Strauss , Blastmap senior software developer . The software allows the blaster to interact with two-dimensional and three-dimensional views of complex designs – to manage the hole position , drilling angle and dimensional compliance .
“ The hole layout design , which includes body , perimeter , cut , lifter and relief holes , together with timing tools , analysis simulation and prediction , allows engineers to achieve the desired fragmentation , clear sufficient space for exaction and reduce extra breakage by controlling ground vibrations ,” says Strauss . “ Users can design any block shape and create the required cut design – including the perimeter hole design – and can add costs and quantities to predict blast expense .”
The software also creates technical reports , hole timing analysis and contouring , and allows users to predict vital aspects of the blast such as vibration and fragmentation . In addition , there is a Direction of Rock Movement feature which indicates the direction that ground will move , according to the firing times and initiation points .
On-line services Scovira adds that BME has just launched its global on-line technical services platform . “ This enables explosives users to consult with experienced explosive engineering professionals – both in-house technical staff and also in association with recognised third-party specialists in blasting , mining and construction ,” he said . “ The initial on-line consultation to discuss and scope out a blasting project is at no charge , and the service is not limited to existing BME clients .” •
Users can design any block shape and create the required cut design – including the perimeter hole design – and can add costs and quantities to predict blast expense .
32 • African Mining • June 2021 www . africanmining . co . za