African Mining June 2021 | Page 13

“ A trolley assist system significantly reduces GHG emissions for ultra-class mining haul trucks , which are typically the biggest source of emissions in a mining operation ,” says Sachin Jari , industry lead – mining , North America at ABB . “ Together with Copper Mountain Mining , we look forward to making this happen again so they can meet their sustainability goals , while staying competitive and ensuring high performance . ABB is a reliable and committed partner for all-electric transformation and this project underlines our worldclass expertise in mine electrification .”
ABB collaborates with mining companies from initial feasibility studies through to full deployment . ABB has previously installed a similar substation at Boliden AB ’ s Aitik mine , Sweden ' s largest openpit copper mine and is part of ongoing expansion plans at the site . This included a 4.8 megawatt rectifier , connected to the ABB Ability System 800xA DCS .


TSX-listed Montero Mining and Exploration has completed a total of 2 088m of diamond drilling and testing of four vein target areas at its Isabella gold-silver project in Chile . A total of 19 drill holes have been completed to date where multiple quartz veins and enclosing leucogranite microgranite were intersected in 17 holes .
According to Tony Harwood , president of Montero , half-core samples have been submitted to Andes Analytical Assay ( AAA ) and check assays to ALS Chile , both in Santiago . “ Montero has received initial assay results for vein Target area A . Shallow drilling at Target A intercepted consistent intersections of quartz veins enclosed in a quartz-sericite-pyrite altered leucogranite with anomalous Au Ag values . Assay results from drill holes completed on Targets B , C and D are expected shortly .”


The New South Wales Government in Australia has approved SIMEC Mining ’ s expansion plan for the Tahmoor coal mine which will see 33 million tonnes mined over an additional 10-year mine life .
The Tahmoor coal mine is operated by SIMEC subsidiary Tahmoor Coal . Following an assessment from the state Department of Planning , Industry & Environment , as well as the Independent Planning Commission , the mine can now take advantage of 12 new longwall panels to the south of its current operations .
Commissioners Richard Mackay and Chris Fell said the application concerns were outweighed by the many benefits presented in the development .
A three-day public hearing unveiled community concerns such as groundwater and surface water impacts ; air quality ; biodiversity ; human health ; Aboriginal cultural heritage ; visual amenity ; mine closure and rehabilitation ; greenhouse gas emissions ; and the economic modelling used to assess the project .
Favourable points included economic benefits to employees , suppliers , local business , and the broader Australian community .
“ The commission agrees with the department ’ s findings … that the proposed extension of the existing Tahmoor coal mine is strategically
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African Mining Publication justified and is in the public interest , and that the identified impacts can be appropriately managed through the conditions of consent imposed ,” the commission stated . The fact that Tahmoor coal mine already existed played a part in the decision , according to the commission .
“[ There are ] significant environmental , social and economic benefits arising from extending the life of an existing mine that has established infrastructure and an existing environmental footprint , rather than developing a completely new mine ,” the commission stated .
The coal produced from the Tahmoor extension project will be at least 90 % metallurgical or coking coal , with the remainder being thermal coal . Tahmoor ’ s coal is used in Australian , European and Asian steel making markets .
The mine had previously used bord and pillar mining until 1987 , when it switched to long wall mining . There will be 168 conditions on the development ’ s consent which look to diminish the mine ’ s environmental impacts and require avoidance or compensation for impacts to local infrastructure as well as and regular monitoring and reporting .
Concerned local residents will have access to compensation should any effects of the development impact on their well-being . In April , the collapse of Grensill Capital put SIMEC Mining ’ s parent company GFG Alliance into jeopardy , with the need to refinance its assets .
As a result , Credit Suisse trustee Citibank filed a wind-up order in the New South Wales Supreme Court for GFG-owned Tahmoor Coal and OneSteel Manufacturing .
“ GFG confirms it has received multiple offers of finance from large investment funds and is in advanced due diligence ,” a GFG spokesperson said .
“ The term sheets as currently proposed would provide enough cash to repay the creditors of MPS . GFG Alliance expects the confirmatory due diligence to be complete within weeks before a final offer is accepted .
“ GFG Alliance is in constructive discussions with Grant Thornton , Greensill ’ s administrators , and other stakeholders to negotiate a consensual and amicable solution on the way forward , which is in the best interests of all stakeholders .”


Ongoing exploration activity at ASX-listed Zenith Minerals ’ 100 % owned Red Mountain gold project in Queensland , Australia , continues to provide highly encouraging high-grade gold drill assay results . Drilling to date has outlined a subvertical high-grade gold zone ( Western Zone ) to a vertical depth of 200m , with the zone remaining open at depth and the subject of ongoing drill testing .
According to Zenith chairman Peter Bird the results show that the mineralisation is persistent down to at least the 200 vertical meter level and is certainly not closed off . “ There would appear to be a higher grade 5 – 8 plus meter wide ‘ core zone ’ which we will continue to chase down the plunge of the mineralised zone . We are very keen to see what the next hole assays ( ZRMDD044 ) will deliver ,” says Bird . •
African Mining African Mining • June 2021 • 11