African Mining July - August 2019 | Page 10

Projects BERAVINA ADVANCES CONSTRUCTION STARTS AT YAOURÉ Location: Madagascar Phase: Exploration Resource: Zircon Location: Phase: Resource: Diamond Field Resources has entered into a co-operation agreement with TMH Acquisition, a special purpose vehicle established by the Denham Mining Fund. The company is advancing the Beravina project, which is a hard rock zircon deposit with an inferred mineral resource estimate of 1.5 million tons. The project covers 625 hectares and is located in Western Madagascar. The board of directors at Perseus Mining has formally approved construction of the company’s third gold mine, the Yaouré gold mine in Côte d’Ivoire. With a forecast capital cost of USD265- million, Yaouré is expected to become a large scale, low-cost gold mining operation that will form an important part of Perseus’s asset portfolio. CEO Sybrand van der Spuy says, “We are pleased to have secured the co-operation of such a strong financial and technical partner for Beravina. We have confidence that the 2019 work programme will meet expectations and confirm the technical merits of the project.” BISIE ENTERS HOT COMMISSIONING Location: DRC Phase: Development Resource: Tin Côte d’Ivoire. Development Gold The board’s recent decision to develop Yaouré follows the recent granting of an exploitation permit by the government of Côte d’Ivoire to Perseus’s Ivorian subsidiary, Perseus Yaouré SARL, and confirmation of Perseus’s development funding plan that includes deploying, in part, a USD150-million revolving credit facility, USD121-million of existing cash and bullion including USD40-million of cash recently derived from the underwritten exercise of warrants, and strong future cashflows from Perseus’s Edikan and Sissingué gold mines. SARAMA IN FULL CONTROL Location: Phase: Resource: Alphamin Resources’ Bisie tin mine in the DRC has entered the commissioning phase in the DRC One of the prime tin mining projects in the world has entered the hot commissioning phase in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The feeding of ore into the processing plant at Alphamin Resources’ Bisie tin mine in the DRC got underway on 25 April 2019. This phase of the project, known as hot commissioning, will gradually build up to the designed throughput of 50 tons per hour into the jigging section and eight tons per hour into the gravity concentration section. The company expects the hot commissioning phase to be completed this week. Hot commissioning involves feeding the plant with material, checking instrumentation calibration, process flows and individual equipment. Construction of the mine was completed in the first quarter of 2019. The wet commissioning phase, where the plant runs on water, was completed towards the end of April 2019. Following hot commissioning Bisie will enter the final commissioning phase of product optimisation. 8 AFRICAN MINING JULY - AUGUST 2019 Burkina Faso Development Gold Sarama has executed a definitive agreement with Acacia Mining to terminate the South Houndé Project earn-in agreement, an important milestone that returns management, control and 100% ownership of the project to Sarama. According to Andrew Dinning, CEO of Sarama, the company will now focus on combining its 100% owned ThreeBee project with the South Houndé project and start assessing possible development scenarios. These projects host well in excess of two million ounces of gold and the initial focus will be on the more than one million ounces of free-milling gold inventories which have yielded high metallurgical recoveries in both heap leach and conventional gold plant based testwork. “Sarama will benefit from about USD13-million of expenditure on the project by Acacia and we believe that significant exploration potential remains on both the South Houndé and ThreeBee projects. Our initial exploration focus will be on resource development work and will include drilling a number of attractive near- field and extensional oxide and free milling targets that have already been identified,” says Dinning.