African Mining July 2023 | Page 41



Hygiene standards in mining environments play a significant role in a company ’ s overall productivity . The lack of clean water , working toilets and handwashing facilities pose a substantial health risk to all employees , and can ultimately result in avoidable downtime .
Underground environments are more difficult to manage due to the nature of their surroundings and access to available resources and infrastructure . However , this does not mean that good sanitation provisions are not achievable , with many underground mines and tunnelling projects proving this possible .
Underground toilet technology by MineARC offers innovation in self-contained , portable waste management systems – ideal for use in underground mining locations . Designed to be simple to operate and maintain , the EnviroLAV is a semi-permanent structure that can be used both above and below ground wherever there is access to compressed air or electricity .
EnviroLAV can last up to 12 months before emptying is required ; delivering a substantial cost saving over the long term when compared to other underground toilet options .
The structure consists of latrine facilities mounted on top of a miniature biological treatment plant . Waste matter is deposited directly into the treatment tank and is fully isolated throughout the process . MineARC ’ s biodegradable , non-toxic EnviroZYME solution works to break down the matter with every flush , involving no handling of hazardous chemicals at any stage . The efficiency of the solution ensures the system emits minimum effluent odour and the waste treatment process causes minimal environmental impact .
Featuring an integrated waste tank , the unique EnviroZYME solution is deposited with every flush ; working simultaneously with the system ’ s aerobic technology to quickly break down waste . Available in male , female and unisex configurations , the EnviroLAV provides a much-needed option of a private toilet facility for women in industry . A robust design means transportation and installation is a simple one-person job .
Customisation of the EnviroLAV is possible with ‘ Single , Dual and Compact ’ configurations offering an added safety feature of internal stall locks .
Electric or pneumatic operation : An operating system choice is based on available access to utilities in the area . Depending on the location onsite , access to power or compressed air may not be readily available . The company works
The waste treatment process causes minimal environmental impact .
Underground environments are more difficult to manage due to the nature of their surroundings and access to available resources and infrastructure .
with clients to determine the best solution based on their existing site set-up .
Pedestal or squat pan facilities : It is important to consider cultural factors when sourcing the right facilities . Geography and cultural preference may impact toilet design requirements .
Fixed or modular construction : The layout of and access to a site can restrict toilet positioning , especially when it comes to height requirements . Available in both fixed and modular configurations , this solution allows sites to easily transport units into place , while still enabling flexibility when it comes to choice .
Male , female or unisex configurations : Accommodating the needs of all personnel onsite is essential . A site must consider how they can satisfy these requirements through the supply of single-sex , unisex or dual-capacity toilets as well as additional sanitary options . Preferences may also impact the frequency of use during each shift .
Waste transfer tank A fully portable unit enables efficient waste removal , rendering relocation of the toilet obsolete . Utilising a gravity feed for the transfer of waste from the EnviroLAV to the waste transfer tank , the unit can hold up to 2 000 litres , equivalent to two full standard EnviroLAVs . The waste transfer tank features a modular design allowing up to three containers to be stacked vertically , further increasing efficiency during emptying . Additionally , the pneumatic Waste Transfer Pump is also an available extra , allowing the transfer of waste from the EnviroLAV without the need for lifting .
EnviroLAV ’ s features , among others :
• Solid steel , corrosion-resistant structure
• Easy to transport
• Eco-friendly enzymes
• Low maintenance – empty as little as once every 12 months
• Durable 10 + year life cycle
MineARC has partnered with WiMSA with a limited edition WiMSA EnviroLAV . For each toilet sold during this promotional period , part proceeds will be donated to WiMSA to further their work in empowering women in the mining community in South Africa .
For more information visit minearc . com / envirolav or info @ minearc . co . za .
www . africanmining . co . za African Mining Publication African Mining African Mining • July 2023 • 39