African Mining July 2023 | Page 22



The moment I received the invitation to the Dwyka Mining Services TECH * CARNIVAL-23 , I knew this would be an extra-ordinary excursion , writes Sharyn Macnamara . I invite you to journey with me through some of the highlights of the event .
Supplied by Dwyka Mining Services See reference 10
Jamie Van Schoor CEO of Dwyka Mining Services .
“ Come one , come all !” The invitation was reminiscent of ‘ The Greatest Showman ’ – where circus meets serious . On 17 May I hit the red carpet 1 with the soundtrack 2 of the popular film filling the carnival-like arena and immediately I was inspired with the thrill of excitement . The scene was indeed set as my memory , prompted by the audio , recalled words like – “ Comfort is the enemy of progress ”; this is where the “ Impossible comes true , it ' s takin ' over you ”… and , “ There ' s somethin ' breakin ' at the brick of every wall ” – like the world of tech and digitalisation , which is fast-moving , all-encompassing and sometimes daunting , hitting decision makers at every turn in an already complex mining ecosystem .
I had stepped into a mesmerising spectacle – it was all “ lights , camera , and action ” and innovation galore , as I moved through the exhibits of 20-plus suppliers of all things digital , autonomous and high tech . A heightened experiential factor was added when showcased tech and demos hit the stage of the ‘ Tech Arena ’, not to mention the interactive TED style presentations taking place on the hour .
Get on the train The traditional and popular mining song , " Shosholoza " 3 set the opening address by Jamie Van Schoor CEO
A favourite saying of Phineas Taylor Barnum – the American showman , businessman , and politician , remembered for the founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus with James Anthony Bailey . 10
Supplied Dwyka Mining Services of Dwyka Mining Services in motion , reminding the audience of the motto to “ forge ahead ” despite the challenges and complexity of our era . For a brief moment , we were taken back to by-gone times with the solidarity in the miners ’ voices and the rhythmic sound of the steam engine train emulated in the harmony and lyrics . At that time , in the 1800s , the steam engine was the disruptive , high tech of the day , revolutionising transportation , mining and industry – improving productivity and efficiency then . 4 In the same way , today , the digitalisation and shiny tech evolution is forging ahead , and if you are not on the train , you will be left behind in the smoke and dust . Today miners are surrounded by tech solutions , hitting them from all angles at a rate of knots – all innovative , all solving a problem ( sometimes the same problem ). So , spoilt for choice , in some instances , decisiveness is key and therefore partnerships with experts are the order of the day .
Van Schoor emphasised the Dwyka Mining Services mission to connect technologies and empower teams to deliver real time visualisation for safer mining . He said that the TECH * CARNIVAL-23 5 was created in solidarity with a vision , suggested a year ago , to create a better way for people to come together to share relevant technology – without a financial stake , but to share knowledge . In May , this vision came to life when the company ’ s partners and suppliers , both local and international , met to share innovations that address the challenging environments deep underground – for good . Just by participating , the visitors contributed their ticket revenue to three charities , namely : Siyafunda CTC ; Youth Employment Service ( YES ) and Child Welfare South Africa 6 .
Developing your AQ – era imperative Amy Fane Hervey , technology strategist FutureCrunch was on stage next and took the audience through the importance of our strong human ability to develop an Adaptability Quotient – the ability , innate or learned , to determine what is relevant ; to unlearn obsolete knowledge and flourish in an environment of fast and frequent change – to aid in navigating this new fast-paced and challenging tech environment .
Adaptability Quotient – the ability , innate or learned , to determine what is relevant ; to unlearn obsolete knowledge and flourish in an environment of fast and frequent change .
20 • African Mining • July 2023 www . africanmining . co . za