COMMENT • sharyn @ interactmedia . co . za
Sharyn Macnamara - Stafff writer •
There is much work to be done on the mining investment front in Africa in 2023 ! While continued economic head winds buffeted metal prices at the end of 2022 and the macroeconomic outlook remained gloomy with S & P Global Ratings downgrading global GDP growth in an update at the end of Q3 as governments sought to control inflation and the potential for recession increased in many jurisdictions , 1 Africa – with its customary resilience – looks to a new year of increased positivity and investment drives to capitalise on the commodities super cycle with the Investing in African Mining Indaba returning to its favoured calendar slot in Cape Town , South Africa , from 6-9 February 2023 .
The event promises to stir up much needed investment discussion with its 2023 theme : Unlocking African mining investment – stability , security and supply . African government officials , local and international investors , financiers , mining operators , suppliers and exploration companies will come together for four days of dealmaking opportunities , industry-leading discussions and businesschanging connections that promise to spark change and drive investments into Africa . Visit our Indaba Outlook 2023 section in this issue for industry thought leadership on the year ahead !
On the topic of investment – Mauritania is our Country in Focus this month , where transformative policy has pushed the country into the same category as that of Namibia and Tanzania , the only African countries that did not see a decline in policy scores on the Investment Attractiveness Index in the Fraser Institute ’ s Annual Survey of Mining Companies 2021 , released in April 2022 .
With the global low-carbon energy agenda remaining a key focus in 2023 anticipated to result in an increased demand for a number of commodities , Africa poses great investment opportunities . Although Africa offers challenging mining jurisdictions , South Africa , for instance , with its resource portfolio and geological potential , offers the investor great opportunity in the green metal arena . To this point , our excursion article takes us on a journey to the birth of a rising African copper giant , Copper 360 .
Realising the full potential benefit of African resources and creating long-term sustainable outcomes will depend on the industry ’ s ability to mine cost competitively and to integrate various value chains profitably , said Andries Roussouw , PwC Africa ’ s Africa Energy leader Utilities and Resources in the PwC ’ s SA Mine 2022 report released in October 2022 . 2 African innovation and home-grown solutions are therefore a focus in the MEMSA and SAMPEC outlook for 2023 in our Mining Indaba section where Africans are proving they can compete with the best on an international stage .
In conclusion , Deloitte shares with us the Mergers and acquisitions activity in the current climate for mines in Africa . Against a backdrop of growing demand for transition metals , Africa is well-positioned to become the focal point of mineral asset development and acquisitions .
2023 promises to be a year of opportunity for Africa ! •
To subscribe to the African Mining Bulletin for more on the Investing in African Mining Indaba returning to Cape Town , South Africa , from 6-9 February 2023 go to https :// www . africanmining . co . za / mining-africa-digital-registration /. African Mining will run a number of additional newsletters in the month of February packed with thought leadership , stakeholder input on the status of African mining and the latest in supplier innovation in Africa .
For more information on the Investing in African Mining Indaba 2023 go to : https :// www . africanmining . co . za / african-miningevents / mining-indaba-2023 /
References :
1 . S & P Global Market Intelligence Webinar State of the Market : Mining Q3-2022
2 . SA Mine 2022 ( 14th edition ) ( pwc . co . za ) ( https :// www . pwc . co . za / en / publications / sa-mine . html )
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African Mining • January 2023 • 3 |