African Mining February 2022 | Page 16

Chief Executive of Altus , Steven Poulton commented , “ We are pleased to report that , following recent reconnaissance exploration by the Company ’ s Egyptian field team , 14 hard rock gold workings have been discovered at the Gabal Al-Shaluhl and Wadi Jundi projects , with an additional 35 targets still to be visited . These two projects comprise 1,044 km2 of our total landholding of 1,565 km2 in the highly prospective Eastern Desert of Egypt .


• Location : Egypt
• Phase : Exploration
• Resource : Gold
Altus Strategies Plc announced the discovery of further hard rock artisanal gold workings from field reconnaissance at the company ’ s 100 % owned Gabal Al-Shaluhl ( 348 km 2 ) and Wadi Jundi ( 696 km 2 ) projects , located in the Eastern Desert of Egypt in November 2021 . The Company ’ s 100 % owned subsidiary , Akh Gold Ltd , holds four gold exploration projects totalling 1,565 km 2 in Egypt . The Projects were granted in 2021 as part of a competitive international bid round undertaken by the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority ( EMRA ).
“ Individual hard rock workings are up to 30m wide and 100m long and the presence of mechanised machinery at some of these suggests significant gold potential exists . In September of 2021 , we announced the discovery of 37 hard rock workings across our Gabal om Ourada and Wadi Dubur gold projects . These recent discoveries increase the total number of hard rock gold workings discovered to date on our projects in Egypt to 50 .
“ Our initial reconnaissance has underscored the significant prospectivity of the licence areas that Altus has selected and been awarded . We have recently established a high calibre technical and operational team in Egypt , which means we are in a strong position to aggressively advance exploration .”
Systematic target evaluation and ranking will commence in the future at the Projects . Groundwork will include reconnaissance mapping as well as detailed structural , alteration and mineralisation mapping , along with grab and channel sampling . •
14 • African Mining • February 2022 www . africanmining . co . za