life of our new high quality, low cost operation. We are delighted
to be operating successfully in Senegal and we are actively
seeking to expand our tenement package to include new high-
quality exploration prospects,” says Welborn.
• Location: South Africa
• Phase: Production
• Mineral: Manganese
Thapliyal says that the feasibility study will be based on a
production profile of 4.5 million tonnes (the ‘base case scenario’),
a 50% increase on the current 3 million tonne production level.
He adds that production profiles in excess of the base case
scenario were explored as part of the concept study.
“However, the infrastructure required is significantly less complex,
will involve a shorter timeframe to implement, has a lower capital
requirement, there is less reliance on road transport and the legal
requirements are significantly more favourable from a timing
perspective for the base case scenario,” says Thapliyal.
He explains that some of the major constraints to go beyond
the base case scenario include potential mining constraints,
the lack of water in the area and logistical constraints in the
medium term. “Infrastructural optionality will be considered for
substantial production upside beyond the base case scenario,
to be leveraged upon in the future, should the constraints and
market dynamics change,” he says. Total capital expenditure
required for the expansion is estimated to be about R1.025-
billion (+- 30% level of confidence). This expenditure provides
for some of the infrastructure required for the production
optionality mentioned above.
Subject to the completion of the feasibility study and commercial
process which will take approximately one year, Tshipi would
expect to reach steady state exports of 4.5 million tonne in three
years, with an increase in manganese ore exports in year two and
year three, via a stepped approach.
• Location: Senegal
• Phase: Drilling
• Mineral: Gold
Jupiter Mines has completed the concept study for the expansion
project at the Tshipi Borwa manganese mine close to Hotazel in
the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. According to Priyank
Thapliyal, director and CEO at Jupiter, a comprehensive feasibility
study will commence shortly.
Resolute Mining’s work at the Mako mine in Senegal.
A highly prospective and expansive exploration portfolio
covering almost 2 800km² across Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and
Guinea was acquired by Resolute as part of the Toro Gold
transaction. In addition to the immediate opportunities for
mine life extension at Mako, Resolute has identified significant
additional opportunities to source oxide mill feed for Mako within
trucking distance from the existing processing plant. “We are
investigating possible joint ventures and acquisitions of highly
prospective ground in eastern Senegal. Resolute is committed
to creating value through successful exploration. We are actively
progressing exploration activities in Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and
Mali seeking to add low cost, high quality ounces to our portfolio,”
says Welborn.
• Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
• Phase: Production
• Mineral: Tin
Alphamin Resources expects its Bisie tin mine in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (DRC) to produce between 9 000 and
10 000 tonnes of tin-in-concentrate in 2020.
Tin concentrate production at Bisie in quarter four of 2019 is
forecast to test the upper reaches of its guidance for the quarter
at about 2 200t. This is positive news for Alphamin. Between
October and November 2019, the run-of-mine feed contained
high arsenic contents which was reportedly above smelter reject
levels, but, according to a recent statement by Alphamin, these
levels have now dropped significantly.
The drilling programme at Australian based Resolute Mining’s
Mako gold mine in Senegal has delivered excellent results. Mako
was one of several assets that Resolute acquired from Toro Gold
in July 2019. According to John Welborn, managing director and
CEO at Resolute, high grade intersections from diamond drilling
below the current Mako pit confirms the potential of a coherent
lode at the north-eastern end of the existing Mako open pit.
Welborn says that the positive exploration results demonstrate
the potential for mine life extension at Mako. Furthermore, 100% of production is now undergoing flotation,
which has helped to lower arsenic values. Changes to the jig
circuit, resulting in fewer tin fines, increased tin recoveries to
about 70%. Alphamin is targeting recoveries of 72% in 2020.
“The positive exploration results are further confirmation of value
creation at Mako. The drilling results indicate strong potential to
increase open pit gold inventory at Mako which will extend the Alphamin believes that the rate of shipping will exceed
production, reducing the tin concentrate stockpile at the mine.
These routes, implemented on 18 December, will reinstate the
African Mining February 2020
Despite positive developments to production, the collapse of
a key bridge in November disrupted concentrate shipments.
Approvals for alternative export routes, including heavy lift
helicopters and smaller ferries, have now been granted.