African Mining April 2020 | Page 12

 MINE EXCURSION PRIESKA: ORION REMOULDS AN OLD FOOTPRINT With most of the infrastructure intact, Orion Minerals’ Prieska copper and zinc project is one of the most exciting developments in South Africa, writes Leon Louw, who visited the mine in February. V enturing down ASX-listed Orion Minerals’ Prieska copper and zinc mine in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, is like travelling back in time. Its feels as if everybody suddenly left, but not before they made sure no rock was out of place. The only indication that there were once people in these tunnels, which were mined by Anglovaal between 1971 to 1991, are white-painted markings on the rocks, exit and no entry signs, and a myriad of stopes and crosscuts – all perfectly intact, just as it used to be, frozen in time. Anglovaal initially drilled 27 holes from 1968 to 71 and proved up a resource that they guessed would deliver in the region of 47 million tonnes of ore. Interestingly, according to Louw van Schalkwyk, executive: exploration at Orion Minerals, to prove up a resource of this size today, a company would have to drill more than 80 holes to be JORC-complaint. Nonetheless, when Anglovaal capped all the mine’s shafts in 1991, they had moved almost 45.68 million tonnes of ore to surface, using a vertical shaft 1 024m deep, and a single, reasonably steep portal decline access to level 120 (100m underground). From 120 level (which runs the entire length of the ore body), there are a series of four declines (one every 400m) that provides access to the bottom level of the mine. 10  African Mining April 2020 The Anglovaal Group was formed in 1933 as the Anglo- Transvaal Consolidated Investment Company and in 1981 became Anglovaal. It was majority owned throughout its existence by the Hersov and Menell families. In 2003, Anglovaal became part of African Rainbow Minerals, a listed black empowerment company headed up by South African billionaire, Patrice Motsepe. Prieska has extensive infrastructure already in place including the vertical shaft and headgear. Above is a group of investors before entering the underground mine. www.