Design Mission African
IDE generates business and investment in
African Real Estate
The organisation, IDE Consulting Services, is an international brand that
has recently entered Africa, with the purpose of generating business and
investment in Africa through table top summits. The organisation serves as
a bridging platform to facilitate business in particular industries. In Africa,
we have the skills, materials and institutions available, but sourcing these
required skills and organisations is the cause of many stumbling blocks.
DE, through its annual summits inserts itself into an industry, bringing with it quality
suppliers with accredited skills and renowned materials. These summits are by
invitation only, and through table-top meetings as well as brainstormed networking
opportunities; the summits serve as a business generator and boost in the industry.
Currently, IDE hosts summits throughout the world, in India, the Middle East, Europe
and Africa. IDE is currently working to boost the following industries in South Africa:
real estate, investment, health and renewable energy.
This November, IDE will be hosting the 16th Edition Design Mission Africa in
Johannesburg, South Africa. Design Mission Africa is focused specifically on establishing a
smooth pathway for the stakeholders of the real estate and development industry, in both
the private and public sector.
Throughout Africa, there are over 600 real estate projects at the summit. IDE bridges
the gap between suppliers and buyers to solve trade challenges in order to meet project
deadlines. With over 3500 pre-scheduled face to face meetings, Design Mission Africa aims
to provide a lucrative platform for investment, growth and an aid in the completion of these
projects. Collaboration is the key to success when dealing with projects in Africa, and IDE is
providing the best platform for this growth in the table top event Design Mission Africa.
Design Mission Africa is set to take place on 17th & 18th November 2016 at the Sandton
Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa.
76 africandesignmagazine.com