African Design Magazine March 2016 | Page 30

UPGRADE OF AN URBA Before and after… The renovation of an existing building and addition of new buildings to create a much-needed urban node, stitching together the town centre and the apartheid township in Zeerust, Ikageleng in South Africa. A mix of uses is combined to create a vibrant urban space – with a small multi-purpose town hall, youth centre with a 24-hour active local radio station, local clinic and accommodation for several scales of economic activities. This nodal transformation forms part of an urban network of upgrades supported by the Neighbourhood Development Partnerships Grant, National Treasury. H olm Jordaan Architects and Urban Designers, together with Demacon, were appointed by BIGEN AFRICA to assist with urban design proposals in support of the Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant (NDPG) submission for the Ramotshere Moiloa Municipality. The urban design concept for Ikageleng consists of three precincts, namely a multi-purpose centre, retail area and market, and a sports facility node. Four functional hard landscaped open spaces are linked via a continuous pedestrian friendly system leading from the entrance to the town along the road to the sports facilities further south. In Precinct 1 the open space is intended as an informal market square in close proximity to a proposed taxi drop-off. The Ikageleng Community Hall is the first of the projects to be implemented as part of Precinct 1. 30 The concept for the community hall is simple: two service boxes hold the multipurpose area which is articulated in light-weight material as opposed to the “heavy” utility boxes. Colourful polycarbonate sheeting will enliven the lighter multi-