with the national energy crises, lower energy
consumption in green buildings reduces the strain
on the power grid.
“A healthy building means happier employees and
improved productivity. Businesses will be in a
better position to retain talented staff and fast‐track
behavioural change,” says Wilkinson.
He adds there are several knock-on advantages
to using the Green Star SA Interiors tool. “It will
definitely give businesses a competitive advantage.
It signifies industry leaders who provide smart and
healthy work, shopping and meeting places that
are ‘set apart’ in the marketplace. It is not only a
responsible investment, but serves to heighten a
business’s attractiveness as an investment, a partner
and an employer.”
The tool will also recognise and encourage
collaboration between the building owner and
tenants to manage and operate the building along
environmentally sustainable principles.
The tool considers interior fit-outs from an all-
round perspective, including the project scope and
implementation. “It would, for example, identify and
encourage management practises that minimise the
amount of demolition and construction waste going
to disposal,” notes Wilkinson.
“It gives recognition to the design of workspaces that
provide spatial efficiency and improve productivity
and occupant performance. Credits targeted will