African project Create Cafe – South Africa
carry the roof structure , side cladding and additional mezzanine seating space . A cantilevered glass facade was created to maximize views over the trees and invite public views from the adjacent street .
Steel framed glass walls and gates were added to the new and existing boutique hotel street boundaries to invite the public and create awareness of the space behind the walls .
The structure of the main house remained intact and only internal walls were removed to accommodate the conference space , kitchen and bathrooms . A steel structure was designed to fit around and over the existing garage walls to add a mezzanine and create space for a café and lounge area . The existing footprint and large portions of the existing garage walls remained intact . Plaster was removed to reveal existing bricks and celebrate the presence of the old .
Sustainable principles In choosing a brownfield site and renovating an existing building the impact of construction is kept to a minimum . The building footprint remained the same . Construction waste , such as demolished internal walls , was reclaimed and reused on site .
68 africandesignmagazine . com
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