African Design Magazine ADM #36 December 2017 | Page 11

First Light Steel Frame Residence in Knysna Rebuild…now perhaps the most energy efficient house in the area? UNPACKING LSFB FOR RESIDENTS With the Bessemer process in 1855 introducing cheap steels into the US market, building with steel frames boomed by the 1880's. Today in South Africa, LSFM (Light Steel Frame Building) is undergoing a boom of its own. Since SASFA (Southern African Light Steel Frame Building Association) presented a seminar in Knysna, South Africa, on light steel frame building we have seen the rst residential project completion in Knysna – The Wilcox Jones House he pain and suffering emanating from Knysna's devastating fires need no elaboration. Lives lost and hundreds of homes destroyed at a cost of billions of rands. But in true African spirit the people of Knysna and the surrounding areas are doing their best to move on. Infrastructure is being rebuilt and many new, modern houses are rising from the ashes. 11