African ChangeMakers Magazine - #AfCFTA, 2021. Issue 3, Edition 3. | Page 21


The most important lesson is that , he inspired a lot of people to enjoy inland destination . He met hotel owners and managers , convincing them to settle new prices to encourage visits . He made a partnership with almost well-known hotels in his country and offered interesting packages . Most of hotels did agree because they closed for a long time with the absence of tourists . He proposed prices that could be affordable for the visitors . Considering them as kings and queens , and to let them really appreciate memorable moments . The visitors will always have in mind to come back another time , and share their experiences with others by giving them the love and curiosity to visit similarly . The health crisis also has its list of positive effects , among them , the local destination was developed , and African people have a better understanding of the countries , and are aware of the variety of reserves and treasures that surrounds the African continent .

Autarky vs . Free Trade ?

We ’ re so deeply accustomed to accepting free trade as status quo that the mere thought of there being an alternative seems … strange . Through Sunday ’ s One Minute Economics animation , however , that alternative has been put under the microscope … in one minute , of course : autarky .
It wasn ’ t the easiest thing in the world to do , in light of the fact that closed economies that one could refer to as extreme examples don ’ t even exist anymore : even North Korea ( the closest thing there is ) is involved in international trade , primarily with China and primarily in the textile industry . This fact alone speaks for itself in that even if a country * could * try to function as a closed economy , it might not be the best idea in the world to fight this monster of a trend . In the end , countries settle for embracing autarky when it comes to just certain key industries , matters which pertain to defense and so on .
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