The future of trade in Africa : How digital technologies can reshape and transform the trading system .
Towards a new digital era : Implications of technology using on trading system Due to several reasons , African countries have unsuccessfully tried to adapt their trading system within the past 50 years . But today , the technology is evolving so fast that it will be kind of compulsory to master how to use them . In fact , the AfCFTA appears to provide scale economies through regional coordination and integration and this will not be possible today without the technology . Moreover , the new tools provided by the technology will drastically improve the trading system in Africa in many ways .
Some emerging technologies and their effects on the trading system .
Next , there is also a sophisticated innovation in the tech field known as 3D printing . This technology is contributing to the mass customization of any kind of products . Moreover , the trading system is based on digital economy which is also influenced by technology and this is known as fintech . The financial technology provides several means of money transfers or financial transactions that are very practice wherever and whenever . This list is far from being exhaustive since there are many other emerging technologies playing a great role in the trade system . It is obvious how the introduction of the AfCFTA affects the trading system . This impact is influenced by the application of some technologies such as 3D printing , AI or fintech .
There are various emerging technologies that can be applied on the trading system for a better accuracy and economical integration . Most of them can play a catalysing role in changing and improving the trading system especially when it comes to manufacturing . For instance , let ’ s take the artificial intelligence ( AI ) applications that can contribute to improving the farm cultures .
These technologies , if well applied to the trading system will be undoubtedly of a great help in its improvement
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