S E C R E T A R Y - G E N E R A L O F T H E A F C F T A
Source : Esther Azaa Tankou ( Head of Information Division ) African Union
Mr . Mene promised to engage in discussions on this issue with the Commissioner for Trade & Industry and the technical partners such as the UN ECA and UNCTAD . “ As the Secretary- General , I am committed to ensuring that the AfCFTA is effectively implemented such that there is shared and inclusive economic growth .” He explained that the backlash against free trade and trade liberalisation witnessed in recent years is not because trade liberalisation is intrinsically beneficial exclusively to a certain elite or to certain countries . Rather , the backlash is , in part , attributable to the unequal distribution of the benefits of international trade and a lack of shared and inclusive growth . The lesson for the AfCFTA from this backlash against trade liberalisation and the pursuit for freer international trade through the multilateral trading system ( i . e . the World Trade Organisation ) and through FTAs is that , beyond boosting trade flows , the question
of equitable distribution of the gains of the AfCFTA must be at the centre of its implementation . Mr . Mene further noted that , the AfCFTA should not be perceived to be benefiting only a handful of relatively industrialised countries in Africa but all African businesses . Therefore , the need to empower women and young people in Africa as they often face significant challenges when attempting to benefit from trade agreements . “ I therefore intend to take concrete steps to ensure that women and young Africans are at the heart of implementation of the AfCFTA . In due course , I will announce specific measures that can be put in place to enable women , young Africans and SMEs , to benefit from the AfCFTA to achieve the objective of inclusive benefits of the AfCFTA .” He emphasised .
Source : Esther Azaa Tankou ( Head of Information Division ) African Union
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