African ChangeMakers Magazine - #ACMagazine #ACMagazine Issue 2, August 2018 | Página 3

Contents 6  It's not about the Hair.  What are Africans Projecting? 10 Re-branding Africa through Research. 13 Kofi Annan: Agreat African Change-maker. 17 Afrigaltech: Know your Status. Sickle-cell free generation. 20 How African Organizations are funding Start-ups. The biggest hindrance to the growth of private sector and entrepreneurship in Africa? 22 African Destination to Watch Out  For. Tourism in Africa has taken an upward turn, Africa is becoming the next destination for tourists all over the world. 26 African ChangeMakers Mentorship, 2018 Highlight. Kofi Annan- Image Credit to The Elders.