African ChangeMakers Magazine - #ACMagazine #ACMagazine Issue 1, May 2018. | Page 20

Waow ! That ' s quite a list of wonderful achievements . What has been your motivation ?
I ' m always motivated by the desire to help other girls and / women to get access to education and opportunities . Knowing that 100 million girls are out of school wakes me up every morning , I want to change the world with my millions one girl in school at a time .
How are you transforming lives through Mahinani hub ?
Our programmes at the hub help the youths in rural communities develop ideas into tangible businesses . We provide office space to the participants through which they can access all office resources to enable them execute their ventures .
Mashinani Hub exposes the rural youths to the entrepreneurship toolkit where they learn all aspects of business development from ideation to market validation to prototyping , pitching and even financials through our online curriculum and peer to peer teaching .
At the end of the programme , Mashinani Hub helps match the rural youths with potential investors , financiers , foundations and even stakeholders through which they can access capital and solve challenges in their communities .
Great work there , Simotwo . What is your take on women empowerment
Women empowerment to me is girls ' education and economic empowerment . Just to quote the former US president Barack Obama ' When women succeed , nations are more safe , secure and prosperous .' Over the years women have been denied their
rights to access and benefit from resources and even their own time . But now with education , we have increased our understanding and knowledge of our rights as women and we can make better choices now . Women empowerment increases one ' s self-confidence and that ' s what I want for the young girls in Africa .
Finally , Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years
10 years from now I hope to grow the fastest solar powered hub in at least 4 African countries with the help of our amazing team at Mashinani Hub . I see myself having my doctorate in Computational Mathematics . I see myself as a better farmer ( I recently started my own farm in Bomet , Kenya ) and I see myself being surrounded by the most incredible , innovative and amazing tribe of women as the future is female !