Oh! I just remembered excellent communication
our discussion forum, skills, unbeatable
which was interpersonal skills, and
characterized with covetable social skills.
insightful, timeless, and In fact, the team lead,
invaluable contributions, Olutope(Topsie)
constructive criticisms, Olatilewa E. (I call her
logical arguments, and Senior Lady), beats my
intellectual discourses. imagination!
In fact, the ACFellows
January 22nd 2018 will always
are just wonderful set of She is so brave! Her
beings – what a tolerance, patience,
powerful network to resilience, diligence,
belong! commitment, and sense
of responsibility are just
remain fresh in my memory! It was
the day I began my first And guess what? After awesome and
online/offline fellowship the fellowship, every exceptional.
programme with the outstanding, opportunity in African amiable, and superb African Changemakers is I thank God for giving
Changemakers. Believe me! The 6 presented to Fellows such a gift to this
weeks programme was rigorous but first before the world generation and may God
highly rewarding. gets to know it. bless the entire AC Team.
Opportunities like
I will ever remain grateful that I ACMentor, AC To all prospective AC
took the decision to partake in the Community Leaders etc. Fellows, I want to let you
know that what awaits
fellowship. The course content was
of global standard. Even when I had What can I say about you at African
initially taken courses like project the AC Team? Their Changemakers fellowship
management, strategic planning, professional programme is an
entrepreneurship, and mentorship, competence is just experience that will take
the fellowship came as an overwhelming: you years to get over.
expansion of my scope of
knowledge in these areas.
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