3.Tell us about the moment when you decided that music was something that you wanted to do with your life?

A year after I had given my life to christ , I had a spiritual attack where I almost lost my mind, that went on for about 3 months , I also became damn in the process for 3 days, that is when I pledged to God in my Spirit that I would sing unto his name if He had delivered me , from that day I never turned back. 5 years later I started backing up artist in studios , then later God dropped songs in my spirit then I decided to take music more serious after a year that is how I enroll into the Gospel industry.

4.What were your influences in music that inspired you to become a gospel artist?

Cece winans,Jacque valeskas ,Yolanda Adams, then Rebecca Malope from South Africa.

5.What are the challenges you have faced as a gospel artist in Africa and how you were able to overcome?

First of all it is not easy to even get a platform to sing if you are not known no matter how good you may be , I just taught myself to be patient ,work hard and also focus on pushing the music on media. The second reason would be the finances for production, promotions, with that I just had to trust God to open doors and He answered by sending Bantu productions that signed me on as their first gospel artist and this is where I also work as the Vice president in Africa. Of course the returns are not that impressive in terms of monitory funds but with me I decided to diversify and start a fashion line Abale fashions to be able to live a comfortable life.

6.What’s your message in your music to world?

I usually deliver a message of encouragement to the world, not losing hope and knowing that in the midst of it all God has already given us the victory.My music also carries a message of love to world, it is important to have a relationship with God , seeking his heart not His Hand for He says seek the kingdom first then the rest will be added unto you.

7.How did it feel like when you were recording your first album and how was the response to the album?

It was an awesome feeling and amazingly God gave me Favour and the Ampadde album was received with so much love, I launched it on the 5th/5/2013 and we had very successful concert.

8.Talking with you I know you are on a gospel American tour in the United States from Uganda – East Africa, How has been your experience touring America?

The experience has been awesome, I have had great doors open before me, the love from the fans and people I have met for the first time has also been incredible.

I have been able to learn a lot on this trip and also been able to travel to a number of states ministering Dallas ,DC, New York and Boston.