Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene September 2018 Vol.13 No.4 | Page 25
International Desalination and Water
Dates: 09/10/2018 to 11/10/2018
Location: Santiago de Chile
The Latin American
Association for
Water Desalination
and Reuse
(ALADYR), is excited to host an International
Desalination and Water Reuse CONGRESS &
EXHIBITION from October 09th- 11th, 2018
in Santiago de Chile. The three-day conference
brings over 450 water professionals and industries
from Latin America and countries worldwide.
, and technical We offer a mixture of plenary
sessions focussing on water reuse and desalination
practices to improve the major transformation in
water management.
Recycling and Waste Management
October 22-23, 2018 Osaka, Japan
Theme: Advocating Waste Disposal and Recycling
Practices for Clean and Green Environment
Dates: 29 October 2018 – 02 November 2018
Location: Salle Ouest, Stade de l’Amitié
(Friendship Stadium), Libreville, Gabon
The Africa Water Week (aww) is convened by the
African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) in
conjunction with the African Union Commission
and organized with other development partners.
It represents a political commitment at the
highest level with over 1000 participants from
governments, regional institutions, international
partners, the private sector, the scientific
community, civil society, and the media from all
over the world, and in particular Africa, meeting to
discuss and collectively seek solutions to Africa’s
water resources, and sanitation challenges. It is
now held biennially in keeping with the decision
of the AMCOW to institutionalize AWW in order
to build momentum on achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) related to water
security and sanitation by 2030, and the 2025
Africa Water Vision as well as crystalizing the way
to actualizing Africa’s Agenda 2063.
World Toilet Day 2018 - November 19
9th World Convention on
Recycling and Waste
Management is mainly based
on the theme “Advocating
Waste Disposal and Recycling
Practices for Clean and Green Environment’’
We warmly welcome all the participants of
World’s leading Scientists, Researchers and
Scholars to attend the Convention. We provide a
platform for young Researchers and Students to
present their Research through oral Presentations
through which they can develop a foundation for
collaboration among young Researchers. Theme – ‘When nature calls’
The Organizing committee aims at setting a
platform for all the budding Scientists and
Researchers to present their real-time work and
share their views and aspects related to the theme
of the Conference. The Organizing committee
is gearing up for an exciting and informative
Conference program including plenary Lectures,
Symposia, Workshops on a variety of topics,
Poster presentations and various programs for
participants from all over the World. Today, 4.5 billion people live without safely
managed sanitation and 892 million people still
practise open defecation.
– to focus on nature-based sanitation
We must build toilets and
sanitation systems that work in harmony with our
environment. When nature calls, we have to listen
and act.
The world is not on track to reach Sustainable
Development Goal 6: to ensure availability and
sustainable management of sanitation and water
for all by 2030.
The impact of exposure to human faeces on
this scale has a devastating impact upon public
health, living conditions, nutrition, education and
economic productivity across the world.
SDG 6 aims to ensure that everyone has a safe
toilet and that no-one practises open defecation by
2030. Failure to achieve this goal risks the entire
Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene • September 2018