Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene November - December 2016 vol.11 No.6 | Page 9

NEWS in brief Around Africa refugees. “The congestion at the water points is too much and people spend hours at the points trying to get water. He said the problem could only be reduced by drilling more boreholes in the settlement. mentioned by President Al Bashir in the context of the National Dialogue. Ms Mary Akol, another refugee said: “My children cannot bathe because the water we get is used to cook food. The situation is not different from our dry lands in South Sudan.” Mr Robert Baryamwesiga, the settlement commandant said the low water table has frustrated efforts by UN agencies to drill boreholes in the camp. Former Halaib Constituency MP Mohamed Osman Okir echoed that water shortages in the region have left many people to die of thirst in the desert. Recently he demanded the provision of tankers to transport water to the area. Meanwhile, MPs from the east of the country have confirmed the depletion in the groundwater of certain projects and of the Nile which coincided with the start of filling the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. MP Awad El Karim Babiker Ahmad has reported that the farmers have complained of the