NEWS in brief
Global Highlights
Unspeakable violence against children in South
Sudan – UNICEF chief
Meeting of the President of French Republic with
Bill Gates
The President of the French Republic Hon. Francois
Hollande received Mr Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation. Both welcomed the
development of partnerships between France and the
Foundation for poverty reduction in developing countries
and the fight against climate change, in the spirit of “zero
carbon, zero poverty”.
Displaced South Sudanesse children
The President and Mr. Bill Gates praised the importance of
the tripartite agreement for 100 million euros that will be
signed recently between the French Development Agency
(AFD), the Gates Foundation and the Global Alliance for
Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI).
This innovative partnership will increase immunization
coverage and strengthening health systems in six countries
Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake
of the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal
on brutal violence against children in South Sudan
and Chad). It illustrates an exemplary way the synergies that
NEW YORK – “The violence against children in South France wants to develop between private and public donors
Sudan has reached a new level of brutality.
to accelerate the development of the South.
“The details of the worsening violence against children are This innovative partnership will increase immunization
unspeakable, but we must speak of them.
coverage and strengthening health systems in six countries
“As many as 129 children from Unity State were killed during of the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal
only three weeks in May. Survivors report that boys have and Chad). It illustrates an exemplary way the synergies that
been castrated and left to bleed to death … Girls as young France wants to develop between private and public donors
as 8 have been gang raped and murdered … Children have
been tied together before their attackers slit their throats ...
Others have been thrown into burning buildings.
“Children are also being aggressively recruited into armed
groups of both sides on an alarming scale – an estimated
13,000 children forced to participate in a conflict not of
their making. Imagine the psychological and physical effects
on these children – not only of the violence inflicted on
them but also the violence they are forced to inflict on
“In the name of humanity and common decency this
violence against the innocent must stop.”
UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child,
in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in
190 countries and territories to translate that commitment
into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching
the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit
of all children, everywhere. For more information about
UNICEF and its work visit:
Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene • July - August 2015
Mr Bill Gates & Hon. Francois Hollande
to accelerate the development of the South....
The President of the Republic marked the importance
attached to the question of funding and the achievement
of the target of 100 billion dollars for the fight against
global warming from 2020. Bill Gates stressed its support
for research and development of low carbon technologies.