Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Africa water, Sanitation May-June2015 Vol. 10 No.3 | Page 7
NEWS in brief
Around Africa
the Oil Ministry, said that the crisis in diesoline was caused
by “the smuggling of allocated amounts from site to site,
and from one state at the expense of another”.
World Bank for Better Sanitation in Lusaka
will be upgraded, while the Ngwerere Sewage Ponds will be
Lusaka has a number of peri-urban areas that are not likely
to be sewered in the medium- to long-term due to technical
and financial considerations. The project will therefore
spend $14 million on on-site sanitation facilities, fecal
sludge management infrastructure and service providers,
construction of decentralized wastewater management
systems, and sanitation and hygiene promotion. About
180,000 people are expected to benefit from on-site
sanitation facilities.
The Bank’s Task Team Leader for the Project Michael
Webster says in addition to infrastructure, the project will
strengthen the capacity of the Government, through the
Ministry of Local Government and Housing, and LWSC to
implement the project, operate and maintain the facilities
going forward, and to support the reforms needed to deliver
sanitation services effectively and efficiently.
Washington — Zambia’s capital city is set to have improved
public health through increased access to sanitation services
supported by the World Bank Group through a US$65
million loan approved this May 2015 by its Board of
Executive Directors.
The financing, provided by the International Development
Association (IDA*) is for the Lusaka Sanitation Project
which is the Bank’s contribution to the Government’s Lusaka
Sanitation Program (LSP). Four Development Partners
including the World Bank are supporting the LSP which
is one of the first steps towards implementing the Lusaka
Sanitation Master Plan that aims for 100 percent sanitation
coverage for Lusaka Province by 2035.
Through the Lusaka Sanitation Project, the World Bank
will support sewage collection, on-site sanitation, and
institutional strengthening of the Lusaka Water and Sewerage
Company (LWSC) which will implement the project.
“Development of good sanitation systems and coverage is
essential for Zambia in order to improve the quality of life
in line with the country’s aspiration to be a middle-income
country by 2030,” says Kundhavi Kadiresan, the Bank’s
Country Director for Zambia. “The Bank will therefore
support Zambia with innovative sanitation technologies to
benefit poor households in Lusaka,” she adds.
The project will use $38 million for sewerage improvements,
specifically to upgrade and expand sewerage systems in the
Ngwerere and Manchinchi sewersheds. Sewer networks will
be expanded in Emmasdale, Chaisa, Chawama, Kuomboka
and Garden neighborhoods and Kafue Road. The Ngwerere
Western Interceptor and Ngwerere Downstream Collector
Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene • May - June 2015
“We have confidence that this project will help Lusaka Water
respond better to customer demand, protect groundwater
and avoid further water treatment costs that would have
been passed onto our customers,” says George Ndongwe,
Managing Director of LWSC.
The project is expected to be implemented over a period of
five years, closing in December 2020.