Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Africa Water & Sanitation & Hygiene August 2018 | Page 17

AfricA FY15 Highlights & Achievements South Sudan Niger Ethiopia Senegal Somalia Sierra Leone Liberia Uganda Burkina Faso Ghana Kenya Benin Tanzania Nigeria Madagascar Congo (ROC) Congo (DRC) Countries receiving WSP technical assistance Zambia Zimbabwe Mozambique Countries with WSP team presence 1.1B 13 7 Africa Population (2013 estimates) Countries with WSP team presence (also receiving TA) Countries receiving WSP technical assistance 30% 61% 115 Sub-Saharan Africa sanitation coverage * Sub-Saharan Africa access to drinking water coverage * People dying in Africa every hour from diseases linked to poor sanitation, poor hygiene and contaminated water* * [email protected] | Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene • August 2018 17