Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene 2014 Sept - Oct Vol. 9 No.5 | Page 23

Ocean Laws Pacific Islanders call for tougher UN ocean laws Declaration from 16 states to be presented to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon during September climate summit their lack of action. Marshall Islands president Christopher Loeak was the first to confirm attendance to the Ban Ki-moon summit back in April. The Declaration reinforces the particular threat that climate change poses to the vulnerable nations, which they say compounds other development concerns, such as overfishing, urbanisation and fossil fuel dependency. In the most recent UN climate science report, scientists said that as oceans warm and the Arctic ice melts, the ocean is rising, causing an existential threat to some of Pic: IUCN the small island states, which lie only a few feet above sea level. By Sophie Yeo T he Pacific Islands say they will push for an agreement on ocean conservation at UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s climate summit in September. The Palau Declaration is the product of four days of discussions, which wrap up today, between Pacific Island states at their annual Forum. “As Leaders of the Pacific Isla