Africa Water, Sanitation & Hygiene 2014 Sept - Oct Vol. 9 No.5 | Page 19
IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition
21 – 26 September 2014
Lisbon, Portugal
This 9th IWA World Water
Congress & Exhibition
continues the IWA’s biannual
tradition, which began in Paris in 2000, of gathering
together under one roof the best international ideas and
the most dynamic global water professionals.
IWA expects the Lisbon congress will draw upwards of
5,000 participants. Many will be IWA members. These
individuals and companies represent every aspect of the
water cycle, from research to practice.
The exhibition will attract utilities, technology and product
manufacturers, consultants, knowledge and research
institutes, non-government organizations and the media.
4th Regional Nile Basin Development Forum
6 - 7 October, 2014
Nairobi - Kenya
Theme: Building Sustainable Transboundary Cooperation in a Complex River
Basin - Challenges| Lessons |Prospects.
The Nile Basin Development Forum
(NBDF) is a high level regional event
convened by the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) in conjunction
with its Member States and organized in collaboration
with civil society and development partners.
Ministers in charge of Water Affairs, policy makers,
researchers, academia, civil society, media, private sector
and local communities in the NBI Member States as
well as representatives of river basin organizations,
development partners and international organizations
among others will come together to discuss transboundary cooperation among the 11 Nile riparian
countries in a river basin that is facing growing pressures
in the midst of uncertain climate change impacts.
First International Environment Forum for
Basin Organizations
Sustainable Integrated Wastewater Treatment
and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region
Implemented by
Funded by the European Union
Regional Conference on ‘Sustainable Integrated Wastewater Treatment and Reuse to be held in Cairo,
Egypt from 1-2 December, 2014
December 1-2, 2014
Cairo, Egypt
Organizers: SWIM Sustain Water MED project
The conference will address the latest and most pertinent
issues regarding non-conventional water resources. ¬The
two-day conference is organized as part of the SWIM
Sustain Water MED project, funded by the European
Union and the German Government.
By organizing this conference, the aim is to exchange and
disseminate knowledge on engineering best practices,
successful case studies,