2014 Speaker Series and Roundtable
March 5, 2014
June 5, 2014
September 10, 2014
December 3, 2014
Rosemary T McAvoy, President
Al Ringhoffer, Sr Vice President
Accounting: Lisa Putney, CPA
Director, Client Relations
Communications: Datamar Inc
Offices: 1300 Market St, Ste 101
PO Box 185
Lemoyne, PA 17043
Phone: 717-920-0528
Sustainability Leadership Board
American Water
General Motors
NRG Energy
Hershey Entertainment & Resorts
Ben Franklin Technology Partners
American Refining Group
Energy Unlimited
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Gannett Fleming
Halloran Energy
Direct Energy
Hess Energy
Philadelphia Gas Works
Philadelphia Eagles
Lutron Electronics
Schaedler Yesco
Osram Sylvania
Covanta Energy
AFREC is a private, industry driven alliance that exclusively focuses on the economics and development of corporate and government sustainability programs, projects, products and initiatives. Founded in 2003, AFREC is one of the nation’s pioneer Corporate Leadership Councils to endorse all advanced energy solutions that improve corporate profitability.
What We Do
Provide a variety of venues, open forums, presentations and business roundtables for colleagues to aggressively pursue business development and achieve sustainability goals
Provide timely industry information, highly visible public relations and marketing to position corporations for future advanced energy and sustainability business.
Facilitate inter and intra organizational collaboration. We personally introduce Council participants to peers and colleagues who recognize fiscal responsibility and sustainability are inextricably linked.
Provide unique auxiliary marketing opportunities that showcase your corporation’s resourcefulness and ingenuity, to gain greater market share and public recognition
How We Conduct Council Business
Selectively assemble a diverse executive group who represent all aspects of the sustainability agenda as interpreted by the different segments of corporate consumers and business.
Convene open forums (business roundtables) four times a year where Council companies can network and meet other sustainability leaders. (Long distance access is available via conference dial in.) to aggressively pursue business development and achieve sustainability goals. The topics deal with sustainability, integration of advanced energy to cut the bottom line or increase the top line, energy efficiency, introduction of energy technologies: products, services, research and development from evolution to commercialization. The topics are matched with Council companies to maximize business development and marketing.
Broadcast video of all presentations and post presentation materials via a private access website that can be viewed or downloaded of all Business Roundtable speakers.
Publish a magazine “The Energy Nexus”, print and e-zine that contains information about Council Companies, available to anyone who accesses the AFREC website.
Create and manage sub committees: AFREC CNG Council