\ zxcvbnm ,./ 1234567890- = ZXCVBNM <> S kasdl ; kfjaks ; ldjnsc . mx nvafusjlhvhueqspowhrq
THE 20-BACK CARD STAR WARS FIGURES WAWE 2 jsdabcvx318oibvh16872907841280que jgHGGKLHGkhhkhklGKUGDKEIUWLBFS Pqwertyuiop [] asdfghjkl ;' L :" QWERTYUIOP {} qwertyuiop ZXCVBNM <> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP {} q bnm ,./ 1234567890- = ZXCVBNM <> SDFGHJKL :" Q dfghjkl ;'\ zxcvbnm ,./ 1234567890- = wertyuiop DEATH STAR DROID GREEDO LUKE SKYWALKER [] POWER asdfghjkl DROID R5-D4 SNAGGLETOOTH;' X-WING PILOT
L :" QWERTYUIOP {} qwertyuiop CVBNM <> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP {}; as lsv ; ncmx ., mnvi` [ fh-wipj ' efk ; m / w ' j ; kgmnvdsa ' ipfk ; nlbwghds pvjk ; mlqrebufhvocx ; zkmnl ljb0qw [ po ' j ; kdsnvaljbo fdvhpx ' coz ; klnvj [ w8q-9 ' o ; akvl
nabjh0qpw '; lnvbpiw '; lbv [ q wertyuiop [] asdfghjkl ;'
WERTYUIOP Walrus Man has slightly
{} different qwertdsa coloured
; fkasdl either white or grey hair
; k nqwypvuhsdlzmnvafusjl tusks , either white or piPrincess Leia and the far more rare white haired version
Death Squad Commander can be found ljgHGGKLHGkhhkhklGKUGDKEIUWLBF with slightly different coloured faces . hkThe very rare ones include the Blue Snaggletooth , which technically counts qwertyuiop Chewbacca exists in a variety of different [] his asdfghjkl own figure and more than just a variant ;'
WERTYUIOP shades of brown with
{} slight qwertyuiop variations in in many circles . However he was
[] never as the colour of his pouch and bowcaster . carded and came with the Sears version
<> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP of the {} Cantina qwertyu playset . An AFA 90 graded
67890- Luke = has ZXCVBNM blonde or sandy brown hair example sold for $ 2, 600 . <> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP along with various shades of pants . xcvbnm ,./ 1234567890- = ZXCVBNM Luke with his double-telescoping <> SDFGHJKL :" Q ghjkl Han solo with his ;'\ early facial zxcvbnm sculpt of lightsaber from that Early Bird kit .
,./ 1234567890- = ZXCV what ’ s been dubbed the pinhead recently ertyuiop went for $ 561 .
[] asdfghjkl Rocket Firing Boba Fett .
;' L :" QWERTYUIOP {}; ashvnczmvk ;' x
The Tusken Raider or Sand People on the Then the extremely rare Ben Kenobi and mx ., Return mnvi` of the Jedi carded [ version fh-wipj often Darth ' Vader efk with double-telescoping ; m / a . zc featured more detailed hollow tubing on sabers . j ; kgmnvdsa ' ipfk ; nl bwghds his face mask . However that version still pvjk sells for a fraction ; mlqrebufhvocx of a mint , carded Star 12-back Vinyl-caped Jawa ; zkmnl will fetch a
Wars version . ljb0qw [ po ' j pretty
; kdsnvaljbo penny .
\ zxcvbnm ,./ 1234567890- = ZXCVBNM <> S kasdl ; kfjaks ; ldjnsc . mx nvafusjlhvhueqspowhrq
THE 20-BACK CARD STAR WARS FIGURES WAWE 2 jsdabcvx318oibvh16872907841280que jgHGGKLHGkhhkhklGKUGDKEIUWLBFS Pqwertyuiop [] asdfghjkl ;' L :" QWERTYUIOP {} qwertyuiop ZXCVBNM <> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP {} q bnm ,./ 1234567890- = ZXCVBNM <> SDFGHJKL :" Q dfghjkl ;'\ zxcvbnm ,./ 1234567890- = wertyuiop DEATH STAR DROID GREEDO LUKE SKYWALKER [] POWER asdfghjkl DROID R5-D4 SNAGGLETOOTH;' X-WING PILOT
L :" QWERTYUIOP {} qwertyuiop CVBNM <> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP {}; as lsv ; ncmx ., mnvi` [ fh-wipj ' efk ; m / w ' j ; kgmnvdsa ' ipfk ; nlbwghds pvjk ; mlqrebufhvocx ; zkmnl ljb0qw [ po ' j ; kdsnvaljbo fdvhpx ' coz ; klnvj [ w8q-9 ' o ; akvl
nabjh0qpw '; lnvbpiw '; lbv [ q wertyuiop [] asdfghjkl ;'
WERTYUIOP Walrus Man has slightly
{} different qwertdsa coloured
Ben Kenobi has
; fkasdl either white or grey hair
; k nqwypvuhsdlzmnvafusjl tusks , either white or piPrincess Leia and the far more rare white haired version
Organa , Luke in X-Wing Gear and the recently went for $ 2,399 .
Death Squad Commander can be found ljgHGGKLHGkhhkhklGKUGDKEIUWLBF with slightly different coloured faces . hkThe very rare ones include the Blue Snaggletooth , which technically counts qwertyuiop Chewbacca exists in a variety of different [] his asdfghjkl own figure and more than just a variant ;'
WERTYUIOP shades of brown with
{} slight qwertyuiop variations in in many circles . However he was
[] never as the colour of his pouch and bowcaster . carded and came with the Sears version
<> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP of the {} Cantina qwertyu playset . An AFA 90 graded
67890- Luke = has ZXCVBNM blonde or sandy brown hair example sold for $ 2, 600 . <> SDFGHJKL :" QWERTYUIOP along with various shades of pants . xcvbnm ,./ 1234567890- = ZXCVBNM Luke with his double-telescoping <> SDFGHJKL :" Q ghjkl Han solo with his ;'\ early facial zxcvbnm sculpt of lightsaber from that Early Bird kit .
,./ 1234567890- = ZXCV what ’ s been dubbed the pinhead recently ertyuiop went for $ 561 .
[] asdfghjkl Rocket Firing Boba Fett .
;' L :" QWERTYUIOP {}; ashvnczmvk ;' x
The Tusken Raider or Sand People on the Then the extremely rare Ben Kenobi and mx ., Return mnvi` of the Jedi carded [ version fh-wipj often Darth ' Vader efk with double-telescoping ; m / a . zc featured more detailed hollow tubing on sabers . j ; kgmnvdsa ' ipfk ; nl bwghds his face mask . However that version still pvjk sells for a fraction ; mlqrebufhvocx of a mint , carded Star 12-back Vinyl-caped Jawa ; zkmnl will fetch a
Wars version . ljb0qw [ po ' j pretty
; kdsnvaljbo penny .