AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 18 | Page 5

e of Fleet As a fleet manager you’ve always got to keep your mind on the future, but how can you tell what new technologies will last the distance? WORDS BY DANIEL BRAID D o you remember when we used to think 2020 felt like this mythological futuristic place out of some Back to The Future or Blade Runner movie? Well guess what folks – this magical future is now less than 5 months away. But what exactly will it look like from a fleet and technological perspective and is it feasible for the Australasian market? Thankfully we’ve done the homework so you don’t have to. So without further ado here’s a brief look into some of the emerging trends that you might find yourself introducing to your fleet operations sooner rather than later. ISSUE 18 2019 / WWW.AFMA.NET.AU 5