AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 16 | Page 5

cs 10 tips and tricks to get the most out of your telematics operations and reporting WORDS BY DANIEL BRAID R egardless of the size of your organisation, telematics is already changing the ways in which we consider fleet management. It goes without saying that telematics is more or less the technology which transmits data, such as location and speed, from a vehicle or mobile asset to you, so you can manage your fleet operations more effectively. So it comes as no surprise that a report from Teletrac Navman’s UK arm in 2018 found that 85 per cent of fleet organisations currently use telematics or plan to introduce them within the next twelve months. Moreover the commercial telematics market already accounted for $18.9 billion in 2015 and is set to soar to $69.3 billion by 2022 according to leading research firm Stratistics MRC. Put simply there’s big money at play in the ever- growing telematics world and it’s up to your fleet to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck. Below are 10 helpful tips that will ensure full optimisation of your telematic operations. Integrated software solutions for in-house fleet managers ISSUE 16 2019 / WWW.AFMA.NET.AU 5