AfMA Fleetdrive Issue 15 | Page 17

FLEETDRIVE Australian Capital Territory Canberra drivers are urged to check whether their vehicle is affected by the recall by visiting the Takata airbag recalls list on the Product Safety Website. If you have an affected make or model, please contact the supplier/manufacturer/dealer so replacement of the airbags can be arranged. All defective Takata airbags will need to be replaced by 31 December 2020, with priority of replacement given to criteria based on a range of factors including age and exposure to heat and humidity. Northern Territory The Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics has been working closely with the ACCC and other jurisdictions on options and proposals to address the pressing issue of the Alpha type airbags. Owners that don’t respond to rectification requests from their supplier will eventually be given a 28 days show cause letter as to why the registration should not be cancelled with 14 days to respond. As this stage it is intended that the above will only be applied to vehicles with Alpha type airbags fitted, due to the serious safety risk identified by the ACCC with these airbags. New Zealand You are strongly advised to respond promptly to the recall notification. If your car is under active recall, contact the supplier as soon as possible and make an appointment to get the airbags replaced. If you want to find out whether your vehicle is affected in the meantime, there is some useful information on the Rightcar website: Since December 2018 warrant of fitness (WoF) inspectors are now helping to inform customers their vehicle is under this compulsory recall, and providing information on what to do. If you receive a copy of the Takata airbag recall flyer please read it carefully – it includes the contact details for vehicle manufacturers. If no response is received a follow up phone call will be made, if the owner still does not take action to rectify the vehicle, registration will be cancelled. ISSUE 15 2018 / WWW.AFMA.NET.AU 17