AfMA Conference 2023 E-Brochure | Page 21


Meet Miles Enterprise

The industry platform for enhanced automotive and mobility services

Miles Enterprise is the mission-critical and flexible platform trusted by world leaders in automotive finance , leasing , fleet and mobility management . Covering the entire life cycle of your assets , this cloud-native platform seamlessly forms the beating heart of your daily operations . With Miles Enterprise you easily manage all your products from a single platform . Even if you ’ re playing different markets .

Solid foundation with unsurpassed degree of configuration
Miles Enterprise effortlessly mirrors your business processes . Easily manage the platform configuration levels to improve your workflows and transform repetitive actions into efficient and automated processes . Being agile , flexible and adaptive has never been so easy .
A trusting partner during the entire customer journey
From initial price quotes to remarketing and contract closure , with Miles Enterprise you remain in control throughout the entire customer journey . Seamlessly manage your customer ’ s requests and agreements . Anywhere , any time and accessible from multiple devices .
The power of Miles integrations and Miles Modules
As a cloud-native solution , Miles Enterprise grows and evolves with you . Easily integrate the platform with third party platforms and services . Or simply experience the benefits of Miles Modules , a full range of add-ons that support you to reach your specific business goals . Thanks to real-time data integration , you can go the extra mile for your customers .
Curious about how agile Miles Enterprise can be ? Request a demo via www . sofico . global / en / demo
Industry applications to elevate your mobility game .

Streamline . Optimize . Innovate .