Executive Manager , Suncorp Group
Gemma Harrison is Hydrogen Business Development Manager at Ampol , Australia ’ s leading provider of transport fuels . Gemma has over 6 years ’ experience in the Australian renewable gas sector , holding previous project management and business development roles in the delivery of Australian-first hydrogen electrolysis , fuel cell and hydrogen refuelling station projects prior to joining Ampol in July 2022 . Gemma has a BEng ( Hons ) Energy and Environmental Engineering , a Diploma of Project Management and is currently studying a Master of Business Administration ( MBA ).
Program Director – Real-World Testing , Australian Automobile Association ( AAA )
Jason is the Program Director at the Australian Automobile Association ’ s Real- World Testing Program . An engineer , he has spent the last four years with the AAA working in technical policy development and advocacy on issues such as vehicle standards , vehicle emissions , fuel quality and consumer interests . Prior to this , he spent 7 years as a test and policy engineer testing vehicles with the ANCAP Safety rating program .
Hunter Shannonhouse , Principal Consultant , Scotwork
As a consultant to senior business leaders in Australia and the United States for over 15 years , Hunter has extensive experience in coaching executives , managers and their teams through negotiations and significant change management processes .
Operations Manager , Suncorp Group
Jacki Butwell is a highly accomplished Corporate Real Estate professional with a wealth of experience in managing and optimising a variety of operational performance aspects related to the Corporate Real Estate and fleet management sector . Currently serving as the lead for Suncorp ’ s national portfolio , Jacki oversees all facets of running the organization ’ s extensive real estate assets .
General Manager of Energy Ampol
James started at Ampol in October 2019 . James is the General Manager of Energy for Ampol . His role overseas the development of the public and business EV charging markets , energy retail , energy wholesale and generation . Prior to that , he had a long-term career in the electricity and gas industry primarily based in Australia , but also in the US . James has worked across many parts of the energy value chain from generation to gas pipelines and wholesale trading markets . In the last decade or so he has have worked in the energy retail space , as the founder and CEO of two energy retail businesses , Australian Power & Gas and Mojo Power . James was also the Australian CEO of a solar company Sungevity .
Director , NRSPP
Jerome Carslake has been seconded to ARRB from the National Transport Commission to manage the implementation and delivery of the National Road Safety Partnership Program ( NRSPP ). Jerome ’ s origins are from the northern wheat belt of Western Australia and his background is in agricultural science , project management , strategic research and stakeholder engagement . His passion in teamwork and collaboration originate from his rowing at an elite level as both a rower and coach . The development of NRSPP draws on all of these skills with the program steadily expanding and promoting a positive road safety culture in the workplace .
VP of Insurance , Geotab
Jim Davis is VP of Insurance at Geotab where he leads insurance , risk management , insurtech programs and business development . His 35-year career includes commercial P & C insurance company , brokerage , and captive program management . At the forefront of video telematics his experience and wide range of knowledge also includes driver safety , scoring & learning management systems .
Co-Founder , MA5 Used Vehicle Consulting Group
Johan started his own consultancy company in mid-2014 where the main Automotive projects circle around Fleet operations , Used Car Programs , Total Cost of Ownership and Retail Development . He brings more than 30 years ’ experience in the automotive sector to the table and is also member of the European Car Remarketing Association .