AET 500 Course Great Wisdom / AET 500 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 6

Resource : College of Education ’ s Technology Resource Library located in the College of Education Resources site .
Choose one of the presentation options from the College of Education ’ s Technology Resource Library or create a traditional 10- to 15-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation regarding adult learning transactions via traditional and non-traditional instructional models .
Include the following topics in your presentation :
Introduction Information on each instructional model , including the following : Description of instructional model Rationale for selecting the model Application for use How andragogical principles are employed via this model
Characteristics of adult learners and learning styles to be considered for this model
Support services – how the facilitators and providers support student success in learning
Review of whether the model includes a reflection component or use of critical thinking skills — how facilitators and providers of adult learning can provide opportunities for reflection of learning and ability to ask questions