Aerie - FHS Literary and Art Magazine CANON - 2019 Issue - Volume 14 | Page 3

Aerie Staff

The 2018-2019 Issue of Aerie is the result of its staff's collective appreciation of remarkable artwork, writing, and music.

Adviser - Dana Maier

Mykiah Carrington-Zurita, 12

Arnav Kumar, 12

Sammy Omar, 12

Lauren Balser, 11

Benjamin Donovan, 11

Kaise Dualeh, 11

Aayusha Khanal, 11

Emily Peacher, 11

Ava Proehl, 11

Canon was created by gathering student submissions throughout the 2018-2019 school year, with submission deadlines in the fall and spring. This year we created a single issue that we divided into two sections, one for each submission period: Legato for Autumn's slow march to sleepy Winter, and Staccato for rejuvenating momentum that Spring ushers in.

After each submission deadline, the staff gathered to examine each work, discuss their reactions, and make final decisions.

The staff exclusively relied on the Joomag online editor to create this publication, using a variety of fonts, primarily Tallys font.

Aerie 2018-19 Issue - - May 2019